Serving travelers visiting Florida’s Tampa Bay area, Comfort Inn St Petersburg North is renowned for ensuring that visiting guests are able to interact with a wide range of amenities and services able to guarantee a comfortable stay. A three story property featuring a diverse array of guestroom options to suit almost any desire or need, Comfort Inn St Petersburg North even boasts an onsite sundry shop and massage parlor, while its approach to ensuring complete guest enjoyment also focuses on adopting cutting-edge technology in order to address the latest in-room entertainment expectations.

Regardless if a guest stays for business or pleasure, property leadership recognized that traditional cable or satellite TV could not address now widespread guest demands for instant access to personalized content. To live up to modern guestroom experience expectations, Comfort Inn St Petersburg North determined that it was in urgent need of adopting an effective streaming solution which could mirror the functionalities and services that visitors are accustomed to when at home. To ensure high usage rates, the hotel further realized that it required solution able to provide user-friendly access to virtually any streaming service subscription of choice, allowing guests to have the ultimate say over which types of content they wish to view.
After performing its research into various solution options, the property decided to partner with HIS thanks to its leading reputation in hotel content streaming technology. This decision was further reinforced with GuestCast recently being named In-room Entertainment of the year by the 2023 TravelTech Breakthrough Awards.
By deploying GuestCast, travelers staying at the property can now take advantage of the ability to effortlessly cast virtually any streamed content of choice on guestroom televisions. Designed specifically for hotel environments to ensure ease of use even for first-time users, GuestCast sidesteps complicated device-pairing processes that often leave guests feeling frustrated and dissatisfied. Instead, guests have the option to pair their devices using simply a QR code, with a user-friendly interface ensuring instant compatibility with thousands of mobile streaming apps.
“Whether young or old or traveling for business or leisure, modern guests understandably expect hotel in-room entertainment services to offer the same personalization, flexibility and ease of use that is now the standard in many consumer homes,” said John Moradi, General Manager at Comfort Inn St Petersburg North. “With increasing numbers of properties aiming to address rising guest standards when it comes to guestroom entertainment, we knew that we desired only the industry’s best capabilities in order to differentiate ourselves and which HIS has been able to fully deliver. Thanks to its user-friendly GuestCast streaming system, we have yet to receive one negative guest comment since the installation, and look forward to continuing to provide our guests with an experience that surpasses their expectations.”
As a solution engineered for the needs of today’s hospitality industry, GuestCast also comes equipped with a data-rich Analytics Dashboard. The feature notably provides hotel staff with the ability to monitor GuestCast device health in real-time, as well as to track device usage in order to measure the success rate of in-room entertainment strategies. Thanks to being designed by hospitality’s leading connectivity solutions provider, GuestCast’s Analytics Dashboard can even be used to analyze WiFi signal strength for each guestroom where the device is located. Should a WiFi service performance issue suddenly arise, GuestCast’s Analytics Dashboard ensures that hotel employees can swiftly identify and correct the issue before guest experiences are affected.
- Provide guests with instant access to any type of streamed content they wish to view on guestroom televisions.
- Ensure an interaction experience that is intuitive and easy-to-use regardless of familiarity with modern streaming technology.
- Promote high usage rates by maintaining reliable, high quality service performance for each user.
- Leverage GuestCast’s compatibility with 1,000s of mobile-based streaming apps in order to deliver an in-room entertainment experience that always reflects a guest’s unique content-viewing preferences.
- Guarantee that each guest is easily able to access their content without staff assistance with GuestCast’s user-friendly interface and simplified device-pairing process.
- Utilize the GuestCast Analytics Dashboard to monitor individual device performance and guestroom WiFi signal quality in real-time.