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Hospitality Technology – Hotel Internet Services Publishes New Research Report Analyzing Latest Trends in Guestroom Entertainment and Virtual Assistant Technology

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Hotel Internet Services (HIS), a full-service provider of internet services and solutions for the hospitality industry, has announced the publishing of a new white paper analyzing the latest guest trends when it comes to what they expect from in-room entertainment, convenient access to hotel services as well as the ability to interact with property amenities without increasing the risk of germ exposure. Utilizing survey feedback from more than 700 guests and 200 hoteliers, the white paper serves as a follow up to a similar study conducted in 2018 and demonstrates that demands for personalized content casting abilities and access to voice-activated control are increasing at an ever faster rate.

Entitled “Giving Guests the Keys to Unlock Hotel Entertainment,” the white paper reveals that evolving consumer preferences regarding personalized entertainment and virtual assistant technology are causing a mirror effect within the hospitality industry, with skyrocketing home adoption rates leading more and more to expect similar services to be made available during their hotel stay. With casting for example, more than 86 percent of 2020 survey guests noted their preference to be able to cast personal subscriptions such as Netflix versus viewing more traditional TV options, a 5 percent increase since 2018. Particularly significant was the finding that 50 percent of guests now state that a hotel’s ability to offer casting functionality can influence their booking decision.  As hotels begin to reopen, the ability to offer personalized entertainment services should therefore be a leading investment decision to consider in order to attract guest reservations and not leave potential business up to a 50-50 chance.

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