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Hospitality Technology – How Hoteliers Can Maximize Profits via a New Revenue Stream by Investing in their Internet Infrastructure

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Workers don’t want to return to the office, but they’re tired of working from home. Hotels are becoming a preferred work location alternative.

Gary Patrick, CEO of Hotel Internet Services

Since the rise of remote working brought on by the pandemic, surveys continue to show that as much as 59 percent of employees do not want to return to the physical workplace. Yet as workers also find unique challenges or experience fatigue resulting from working at home, a new trend has risen where employees are seeking out hotels as a preferred work location alternative. Representing a valuable opportunity for hoteliers to tap into a new revenue stream, a growing number of properties now offer remote work packages that among several features such as access to desks and stationary equipment, also importantly includes the ability to connect to a hotel’s Wi-Fi.

With both the internet and email undoubtedly serving as the most essential tools for a majority of today’s workers, a hotel’s ability to provide a fast and reliable online connection has never been as important. Yet Wi-Fi service quality continues to represent a considerable challenge that many hoteliers across the industry struggle to overcome. More than 80 percent of guests in fact state that poor Wi-Fi signal quality is often an issue they encounter when staying at a hotel.

While the industry has faced numerous obstacles in delivering high-quality online experiences, they are by no means insurmountable. By following proven best practices and strategies, hoteliers can cost-effectively ensure that their property’s network capabilities are able to consistently live up to both traditional guest and remote worker expectations.

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