Research Reports

Bringing Hotel Wi-Fi Up to Speed with Guest Expectations

hotspot security

How in-room access point technology is proving that a fast and seamless online experience is not just about bandwidth.

hotspot securityAsk hotel guests today what is most important when it comes to hotel amenities, and more often than not you will find that the presence of guest Wi-Fi ranks highly among responses. Since the enormous surge of personal mobile devices, more than 64 percent of Americans now claim ownership of a smartphone1, and mainstream consumers increasingly view connectivity as more of a lifestyle than a mere type of technology.2 For the average traveler, such an outlook continues to hold equally true, with surveys such as one undertaken by Hyatt Place Hotels demonstrating that 59 percent of guests considered complimentary Wi-Fi to be most important among amenity needs.3 But more than simply providing guests with internet accessibility, hoteliers are also learning the critical necessity of offering high quality service. Research performed by Research+Data for instance, indicated that 80 percent of economy travelers garnered a favorable opinion of a property when free Wi-Fi could be offered at guaranteed speeds.4 Additional research gathered via TripAdvisor further proved that while the presence of Wi-Fi is most important to today’s guests, a poor connectivity experience played the largest factor in diminishing five star reviews.5 Hospitality professionals around the world, as a result, are understandably prioritizing the need to enhance their networks, with 45 percent of hotels indicating a preference to focus spending on improving bandwidth.
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