Research Reports

Hotel Guestroom Entertainment for Today’s Tech-Savvy Travelers

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Hotel Guestroom Entertainment for Today’s Tech-Savvy Travelers

Providing a seamless, secure and personalized guestroom TV experience that increases guest satisfaction and maximizes profits.

The sudden and explosive growth of BYOD and online streaming services has been nothing short of revolutionizing when analyzing how today’s consumers seek out and acquire entertainment, either when at home or traveling. While living rooms have seen a radical change in the services and offerings tailored to meet the new demand for personalized entertainment such as YouTube, Chromecast or Apple TV, much of the hospitality industry has been clearly trailing behind in its ability to offer guests the same quality of entertainment that they have become accustomed to and now expect. As many hoteliers can undoubtedly attest, the result has been a dramatic decline in guestroom television and video-on-demand usage, with guests simply opting to access their own entertainment on personal devices and circumvent any interaction with hotel services and televisions altogether. While the subsequent loss in video-on-demand revenue and promotional opportunities have been felt by many within the industry,  hotels have been nonetheless hard-pressed to find solutions capable of recapturing guest interest and revenues in a way that is cost-effective and that takes demand for personalization into account. This white paper discusses how advancements in technology are providing hotels with the tools to finally match, and in some ways even surpass what can be offered by home streaming platforms. By adopting such innovations, trend-conscious   hoteliers are finding that common ground can indeed exist, where guests can find personalized entertainment options, and properties can save on operating expenses while retaining the ability to earn additional profit.

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